
Please allow 1 business day for your order to be processed and shipped.

Shipping Time - Price calculated at checkout

US, CA - 8-15 business days
UK - 9-15 business days
Western Europe - 8-15 business days
Rest of Europe - 12-20 business days
AU, NZ - 6-12 business days
KR, JP, HK, - 4-10 business days
Middle East - 12-20 business days
Rest of the world - 15-25 business days

Returns and Exchanges

We offer FREE exchanges to all countries. We have a 14-day return policy. 
To start a return or an exchange please visit your Account Page.


You will receive an email once your order has been shipped. Proceed then to your order status page and there you will find the tracking code.
If you can't find your tracking code do not worry, just request it to us via email.
To track your order just click the tracking code on your order status page.
Please make sure to constantly monitor your package status.

Return to sender

If the the delivery fails and the package is not picked up within the storage period provided your order won't return to our warehouse but instead to an international shipping hub.

From the courier's international hub, we will be able to reship your package at your request.

Please do not let the order come back as we won't be able to store those products again in our warehouse.

You can only apply for a return after you received your package.